Mapping the Community of sustainable Wiesenviertel


Thu, 06.10.16    
11:00 - 13:00

Event Type

Department: Practices of Commoning
Information on how to register here.

NB: This workshop is offered in German

With the Tool of Community Mapping we will figure out sustainable places, people or organizations who are working for a sustainable development in Wiesenviertel-Witten.

1. Presentation round
2. Presentation of the method
3. Definition of “sustainable Wiesenviertel”
4. Depiction of “sustainable Wiesenviertel”

Please bring your ideas, knowledge, pictures and drawings to answer the question: Where can we experience sustainable development in Wiesenviertel?


Julia Reinermann
Researcher for communication science, sustainability science and urban studies, activist for urban agriculture, neighbourhood and irrationality.